Travel Bursaries
Submission deadline for Travel Bursaries: 25 April 2019
We are pleased to be able to announce we can now offer some bursaries to assist people with the costs of attending the conference.
These bursaries are intended mainly to help students, but we may also be able to assist others who, for good reasons, are unable to raise sufficient funds to attend the conference. Priority will be given to those who are most likely either to make a significant contribution to the conference and associated workshops, or who we believe will gain the most from the experience of attending the conference.
We will waive the conference fees of students who are awarded bursaries. For successful applicants, we will make a contribution to travel and subsistence costs depending on their travel costs to New Zealand.
To apply for a bursary please complete the form below. We intend to award the bursaries around the middle of May prior to closing the early bird registration.